
孔院故事会 | 在孔院学习是一种什么体验?

CI Stories





狄龙(Dillon Snead)



I have really enjoyed learning Chinese. I liked how we were able to learn characters at a good pace, incorporate grammar into each lesson, play games to help with learning, learn about the Chinese culture. I have always been fascinated by Chinese characters and I never would have imagined that I would have the opportunity to learn to read them. I have really enjoyed Dr. Shen's class. I would consider your teaching techniques to be very unique compared to most professors here in the U.S. 


贝莉(Bailey Goforth)



I enjoyed Chinese calligraphy class. It was more than learning how to use a brush and being able to write the characters. We learned common Chinese phrases, how to paint by blowing ink, and the art of paper cutting. By learning all of these things, we gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture. My favorite activity other than learning calligraphy was creating the plum blossom art. I had never heard of painting by blowing ink with a straw. While the lack of control over where my ink would run was sometimes frustrating, it created a natural look to the art and was a lesson in patience and meditation.


凯特琳(Kaitlin Roberts)



I have had many Chinese teachers, but learning Chinese with Dr. Shen has been one of my favorite experiences. I took Chinese classes in high school and ended up working in the Confucius Institute at PC for my first two years of college. With all this, I felt that I was ready to progress past the basics and take Chinese 201. My fellow classmates helped me to improve my speaking and writing skills and helped me to find even more things to love about the Chinese language and culture. I am very thankful to have had this experience learning Chinese.


任家欣(Jaden Yam)



We learned how to write “happiness”, and were able to write on special red paper with gold dragons, which is very pretty and festive. The colors red and gold together represent good luck, and if you hang the writing upside down on the outside of your door it invites happiness into your home. These writings are hanging throughout our room and I feel that they do bring happiness to the space. When I go home, I will take some to my family’s home to share with them. We learned a Chinese poem that, in essence, means no pain, no gains. A good representative of this poem is the plum blossom, because it blooms in such harsh conditions. This was a good way to show that Chinese and American cultures do have some things in common, because that is also a common saying in the American culture.


安娜(Anna Nix)



To begin, my emotions surrounding Chinese calligraphy were not very uplifting. I had chosen the class in order to obtain an extra hour for my first fall semester. The first day of class, I did not have high hopes, but Dr. Shen arrived and explained the course and what it entails. We also began working on a Chinese character that day, and I began to appreciate the work I was putting in. Chinese calligraphy is a very difficult activity to achieve perfection in, but Dr. Shen instead strived for us to write in our own style. He offered pointers, demonstrated in his own work, and discussed the background of the characters. Dr. Shen’s attitude and excitement for Chinese calligraphy gradually drove me to appreciate the art form more. He assigned us to practice the characters outside of class, and often offered us little gifts from his hometown in China. My emotions toward this course are much brighter. I learned to truly value the hard work that goes into Chinese calligraphy.


威尔(Wil Armstrong)


从高中开始我就很热爱学习中文,也非常喜欢中国文化。这个学期除了选修沈教授的《高级中文写与说》以外,我还选修了张教授的太极课,我真的太喜欢了。学习太极能够让我感到很放松,同时又感到很紧张——这种紧张是肌肉锻炼带来的紧张感,那种感觉真的很奇妙。跟着教授们一步步学习,一招一式都深刻领悟和体会。沈教授还不定期来给我们拍照、录视频,把大家的太极表演上传到网络让更多的人看到,我们感觉自己就像明星一样,很多同学都来找我练习打太极。我很幸运自己能够在长老会学院上大学,因为这里有孔子学院、有很多值得学习的中文课程、有严格负责的教授们。将来我会申请到贵州去留学 ,到中国实地走走看看。



杰克(Jake Macdonald)



It is so interesting to me how calligraphy is seen as a form of art as well as a language. It is fascinating how every character depicts an idea not solely enabled from rote knowledge, like which English depends upon, but instead in form as well. Chinese culture is beautiful, a quality exacted through the many practices of Chinese society. I learned about some Chinese holidays, one of which being the Chinese New Year. I appreciated the sign I received from Dr. Henry. I find the significance of the sign and its orientation to be interesting. For example, how it being upside down in a gesture to welcome guests was particularly fascinating to me. I also appreciate learning of the importance of the color red-its meaning of success, prosperity, and other ideas of good fortune. Furthermore, one of my greatest interests of the class arises from my discussions with Dr. Henry. I enjoyed his style of teaching and relationship with students. Dr. Henry has been my most friendly college professor.


谢比(Shelby Sheppard)



The professors in the Confucius Institute have always been focused on the success of their students, and because the class sizes are usually small, professors can see how individuals are learning and focus class time on the students that need it. I have enjoyed the cross between the language and culture study within the Chinese courses because so much of the Chinese language depends on cultural context and/or history so, it broadens the understanding of why characters look the way they do and why some words are used instead of others. I believe that my language study has been fruitful and I will continue to put forth my full effort into expanding my learning.


马歇尔(Marshall Dickson)



When signing up for the course, I did not know what to expect from it. I had no knowledge about Chinese culture, let alone know how to write on rice paper with ink. Ultimately, I took this course because I needed the extra hour credit. I also signed up for this class to help my GPA a little bit. With all of this being said, I feel like I gained much more enjoyment from taking the course than I initially suspected I would. Through Chinese calligraphy course, I have learned to appreciate Chinese culture and the ability to express myself through writing with ink. Along with this, through the course, I am finding myself interested in learning more about Chinese language and culture. I didn't know much about Presbyterian College's study abroad program, so it was cool to see what Guizhou University looked like and what's the typical life of a college student there. You probably don't moon know this, but I am on the men's soccer team here at Presbyterian College, your course has undoubtedly increased my curiosity about China. I don't know what the future holds for me career-wise, but I would love the challenge of playing in China.


内容编辑:吴晓静 刘希



