

谢赫纳泽穆 音流瑜伽研究

翻译:AR 鲁米苏非文化学会  


OurGrandsheikh was saying about trials: everyday they are coming afresh and themureed must be ready and careful each time for that trying, that his faith maybecome real faith. Everyone may improve his station. For one still under hisego’s rule, he will be tested by that which his ego will never like. Fromeverything, family, friends, work and neighbours, may come to you what youdon’t like. The way of development is the way of patience. There is no quickdevelopment. One must be agreeable to all happenings to and around him-self.That is the sign of development, to endure peoples’ troubling you. It is notimportant to fly in the sky or to walk on the sea or to be seen in severalplaces at once or to dream good dreams. Important in our way is to be patient,resisting every wave of evil like a mountain in a storm, not being pushed back.That is development. Or like the ocean, not becoming dirty from the riverspouring into it. People with extraordinary powers may fly, but may in the endlose their faith when Iblis ru -shes on them.

We mustbe able to endure every harm from everyone. Our Grandsheikh says, we must beawa -kened for everything coming contrary to our liking and be ready totolerate it. This is the real station of faith. Three times a day a sheikhlooks to his mureeds, but not with a looking to give them pleasure, insteadthey are looking to send something to the mureed that he will never like. Areyou patient, or giving up? When you are patient, your heart is givensatisfaction, and a light comes on your real eyes and is coming more faith.

At eachopportunity you may advance or come down. This time is particularly filled upwith unliked things, the world full of evils and devils. The Prophet said, tokeep religion in this time is more difficuIt than to keep fire in one’s hand.We must be patient. Allah gives to those enduring unliked things endlessreward. It is the way of real faith, like the way of Prophets and of Awli-yâ’,to endure the badness of people.




原文载 微信公众号 鲁米苏非文化学会(rumisufi)



